
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Poster of the Week

          by Matt W. Moore of MWM Graphics

Check out the MWM Graphics website at . I love Matt's combination of a clean yet graffiti style look variation throughout his works. Also be sure to check out the shop page to see his calendars, posters, skateboards, and surfboards. My favorite is the wallpaper. I don't think I would put it in my bedroom but it would be an interesting addition to an office. The designs are based off of simple shapes and lines yet they bring a dynamic edge when positioned together.

FREE Graphic Design Software

I found this video interesting as I am aware of some of these programs and have them on my computer along with the Adobe CS3 Creative Design Suite. They are free and can sometimes be helpful in solving design problems on a more simplified level. It is perfect for those aspiring to learn or test out the graphic arts before investing in classes or expensive software.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Poster of the Week

Created by Scott Hansen of ISO50 for the Obama Campaign 2008

Stop Motion Videos

Stop motion videos are easy to put together with good planning. The basic concept is to develop a sequence of photos in which make up different shots of a movie. As seen with the previous video of the pig photos, these must be taken at every movement or reposition of the object or in this case the pig. After all the photos have been taken they need to be put into a movie editing program and if needed the time set to create a smooth and quick transition turning the individual photos into a stop motion video.

For the video I am posting I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the images and Final Cut Pro to put them in order and time the video. I basically captured all of the photos, added the letters of the quote, re-timed parts of the video and exported it as a Quicktime file. The video as it stands still needs more editing done but it is a solid version. Let me know what you think.

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” ~ JB

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stop Motion

Next week I am hoping to do a segment on how to create short stop motion videos and maybe post one of my own. 

                                    Stop Motion Cerdito from Alfon Ruiz on Vimeo.

Poster of the Week

by Matteo Carboni

BP Logo Gets a Makeover

If you love logos check out It is a great site featuring logo design today in addition to vintage designs. This week I am particularly interested in the BP Logo Gets a Makeover Page. This campaign is being put on by Greenpeace USA. Go to the Greenpeace Flickr Page to check out the other submissions. I have included some here that I think you will enjoy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Who approved this??

I thought this was a cute idea. I love the sticker. Who approved this??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chow Chow Panda


Poster of the Week

Love in the Afternoon Poster by Saul Bass